2 Hot Stuff Chocolate Flavor +1 Gland All + Free Shipping (Expected Back May)

7.00 LBS
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One of the most crucial factors for success in the muscle building process is the hormone testosterone. This substance is normally produced in the healthy human body, although its amounts may vary widely between individuals. In fact, its production level can vary widely in the same individuals depending on such specific factors as age, illness, stress, diet, exercise. So important is testosterone to an exercise program that only small variations in serum (blood) levels can mean the difference between strong, well developed muscles or a flabby, smooth appearance.


Unfortunately, many athletes and weightlifters are resorting to synthetic chemical testosterone sources (anabolic steroids, etc.), to improve their muscle and strength building programs. While significant short term results are undeniable, such practices can lead to serious health complications as well as personality alteration and extreme psychological dependency.

For those athletes and weightlifters who do not wish to go the drug route, nutritional science has been relentlessly forging ahead with new and better alternatives. We are pleased to offer you one of the most advanced and powerful natural steroid alternatives – HOT STUFF.This product is a potent hormone igniter containing proven substances which help increase the natural testosterone levels of the body.

Each serving of HOT STUFF is jammed packed with 40 grams of high quality whey and milk protein blended together with 6,000 milligrams of key testosterone boosters. Things like Tribulus, Fenugreek, Tongkat Ali, Horny Goat Weed, Muira Puama, Chrysin, Damiana, Macca, Nettle Root, Saw Palmetto, Ginseng and much more.

HOT STUFF also features energy enhancers and workout boosters like Beta-Alanine, Creatine, Vitamin B-6, Guarana, Magnesium, Zinc, L-Carnitine and Rhodiola Rosea.

If you want to increase the muscle-building levels of testosterone in your body, HOT STUFF is the supplement for you.

• Promote quick gains in lean muscle mass
• Blast strength levels by up to 15-25%
• Melt away intermuscular body fat
• Dramatically reduce post workout muscle soreness
• Provide a longer lasting muscle pump


Maximum Strength Raw Gland Complex & Vitamin & Mineral Matrix!

Have you been spending long hours in the gym taking grueling workouts only to be disappointed and frustrated by your lack of progress? Perhaps your lack of progress is due to low hormone production. Without question, hormones are the keys that unlock muscle growth and strength. Without an adequate and consistent supply of hormones, your muscle-building is dead in the water. This is where GLAND-ALL comes in.

Did you know that nothing taxes the body’s glandular system more than weight training? Glandular supplementation helps to recharge overworked glands and speed up recuperation from training. The reason for this is because of what researchers call the “tissue specific” aspects of raw gland products. Simply put, this means if you want your body to produce healthy liver tissue, feed it healthy liver tissue. If you want to strengthen the adrenal glands, feed your body healthy adrenal tissue. And so forth. In this way, your body has all the chemical “tissue Specific” factors it needs to repair and maximize output of the desired gland.

But we didn’t stop with just glandulars. We knew there were several other natural hormone enhancers we could combine with GLAND-ALL to make this product even better. And so GLAND-ALL contains over 70 additional nutrients and hormone boosters including our special vitamin and mineral catalyst matrix.

Here is just a partial list of the other great ingredients in GLAND-ALL: Vitamins & Minerals, Plant Sterols, Tongat Ali, Ginseng, Wild Yam, Bee Pollen, Smilax, Muira Puama, Enzymes, PAK, Dibencozide, Oriental Herbs, Saw Palmetto, KIC, Amino Acids and much more.

It’s the precise ratios and significant potencies of these 80+ anabolic factors taken simultaneously that make GLAND-ALL work so well. By combining all of these great synergistic co-factors into one super formula, GLAND-ALL delivers an unprecedented Anabolic Hormone Punch! Try GLAND-ALL today and start building muscle at warp speed!

DIRECTIONS: For the best results take one packet of GLAND-ALL daily with a meal. You can also spread the GLAND-ALL packet out through out the day by taking two tablets of GLAND-ALL with breakfast, two tablets with lunch and two tablets with dinner for better absorption. You can take the HOT STUFF either before you workout or right after you workout. Make sure you take HOT STUFF even on your non-workout days for faster muscle recovery. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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7.00 LBS

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